Saving Heritage Guinea Hogs

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by Cathy R. Payne
Guinea Hogs are known to be intelligent, friendly, and gentle animals.

Rare livestock breeds are at a tipping point, and what we do at this juncture is important. Each individual animal, as well as the overall herd, holds unique genetic information. Once lost, those breeds can’t be recovered. One such breed is the American Guinea Hog, or Guinea Hog — a landrace breed native to the United States and uniquely suited to farmsteads and small landholders, with a deep connection to Southern history and culture.

When I called former Guinea Hog breeder Bill Biggers in August 2017, I told him I was writing a history of the breed. He asked, “The forest pig?” I had to remember that he’d sold Arthur, one of the 12 foundation hogs documented by the American Guinea Hog Association, many years ago. At that time, the name “American Guinea Hog” had yet to be conceived. Guinea Hogs had many other names prior to the foundation of the American Guinea Hog Association in 2006, including “African Guinea Hog” and “Guinea Forest Hog” — sometimes as a result of confusion over the breed’s origins.

Earlier on the day I phoned Bill, my friend Matt Hunker had emailed me an article from the Daily Press. It was first published in The Roanoke Times on May 2, 2005. The article, written by Pamela J. Podger, was titled “A Morsel of History: Rare Hog Charms Park Visitors.” The story featured Louise, a very friendly “Guinea Forest Hog,” and Louise’s owner, Bill Biggers. It documented Louise’s time as a “hog ambassador” in Virginia at events on Belle Grove Plantation in 1998 and in Pamplin Historical Park in 2003.

Finding that gem of an article helped me identify Biggers’ location and age, which helped me find his contact information online. After a little sleuthing, we became friends on Facebook. Soon, I was speaking with him on the phone.

Arthur’s Unknown Origins

  • Published on Oct 18, 2021
Tagged with: forest hog, pig, swine
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