Breed Profile: Lincoln Longwool Sheep (Video)

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Breed Profile: Lincoln Longwool Sheep (Video)

Interested in shepherding? Lincoln longwools are both good meat sheep and producers of high-quality wool, and are a heritage breed dating to the height of the Roman Empire in Britain.

Courtesy The Livestock Conservancy

YouTube video

Lincoln longwools are one of the four English longwool breeds: Cotswold, Leicester Longwool, Lincoln and Wensleydale. The Lincoln longwool sheep originated in the marshy lowlands of Lincolnshire, where the luxuriant pastures and turnip fields were used to produce large, long wooled sheep. In the early 1800s, Lincolnshire sheep were crossed with Robert Bakewell’s improved Leicesters, and the offspring were further selected for earlier maturation and improved meat quality. During the second half of the 1800s, Lincoln longwools were exported in large numbers to Ireland, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, Brazil, and several other South American countries.

  • Published on Oct 13, 2014
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