Our ‘Lamb Tractor’ is a Frugal Solution for Moving Small Livestock: Video

Reader Contribution by Adam D. Bearup and Hybrid Homes
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Black & white lambs. Photo by Adam D. Bearup

We have owned and lived on our own 20-acre piece of paradise for about 10 years now. Throughout the years, we have raised many animals on this farm, including feeder cattle, egg-laying chickens, meat chickens, ducks, hogs, and turkeys. We have always discussed raising lambs and this year, we finally are in a position to be able to do it!

Locating and Transporting Lambs

It took several months to locate lambs to buy in our state. I thought that it would have been easier to locate lambs to buy, and I learned quickly that lambs are not as readily available as I had hoped. I talked to the lady who was selling the lambs and asked for her advice on how we should haul them from their farm to ours. She has seen everything from hauling lambs in dog crates to people putting lambs in the back seat of their cars.

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