Photo by Pixabay/ErikaWittlieb
On Mother’s Day 2011, Brandy went in to labor with her fourth child, which she planned to be born at home. Not just any homebirth, but a HBAMC (Home Birth After Multiple C-Sections). She woke up that morning ready to bring her son into this world on her terms. You can read Part 1 of her story here:Joshua’s Birth Story – Part 1.
My midwife saw the look on my face after telling me that my baby was posterior, and reassured me that babies can turn in labor. Now that my water had broken, my contractions were starting to get more intense. I told the midwife that I needed to get back in the birthing tub. I felt like I was losing control and started telling my husband I couldn’t do this. I was thinking I had a few more hours of hard labor and I there was no way could not do it.
My midwife and her assistant stepped out for a few minutes to give my husband and I some space. As I continued to change positions in the birthing tub and bearing down I was arguing with my husband that I could not do this because I was not completely dilated and the baby was still up high. I was not even thinking about the different positions I was getting into or that I was pushing down. My body just really took over! My husband went and got my midwife to check me.
As she checked me and her eyes got big and she said, “Brandy the baby is right there! Feel!” I felt my baby’s head not even to the first joint of my finger! That is all I needed to hear. I sat up, pulled my legs back, and pushed with all my might. My midwives told me two more pushes and my baby would be here!
I looked at her and said, “Really, it is almost over?”
She laughed and said, “I wouldn’t lie to you.”
My husband took a picture of the baby’s head and showed it to me.
My midwife was squealing, saying, “Look at all that dark hair, and look at what a good pusher she is.” She was just as excited as I was!
I pushed again and my baby’s head crowned! I had never felt that before and it took my breath away. I was flapping my arms and saying I can’t breathe.
My midwife’s assistant said, “Brandy slow your breathing you can breathe, you are talking!” Then I realized she was right. I had to be breathing to be able to talk!
The burning of my baby crowning was only there for a few seconds and I was ready to meet him. I pushed again and his whole head was born! I was waiting for another contraction to push again, and my midwife and her assistant started counting. I wasn’t sure why they were counting, but after a minute, my midwife told me she wanted me to get out the water. I took her and my husband’s hand, stood up, and climbed out of the birthing tub with my baby’s head hanging out. My midwife squatted down. I squatted, put my hands on her shoulders, took a deep breath, and just began to push when my baby came flying in to the world at 9:08 pm. My Mother’s Day gift!
I sat down on the side of the birthing tub as she handed him to me. I was in shock! I just sat there and looked at my baby, rubbing that sweet little head, as my baby just studied my face. I kept saying, “We did it! We did it!” Then I realized, I had not even looked at the sex of my baby!
I peeked and announced it was my Joshua Christian! After getting cleaned up, the biggest surprise came when he was weighed. My little man was 11lbs 4ozs! My biggest baby yet! I am not broken! I can deliver the babies that my body grows!! I cannot put into words how grateful I am for my loving and patient midwife and her assistant. Without them believing in me even when I did not believe in myself I could not be writing this birth story.Joshua’s birth was one of the best experiences of my life. I learned that I have more strength and patience then I ever thought was possible.