Blogging for Mother Earth News carries many rewards but probably the most significant for me is being able to let others read about my experiences, successes and failures and maybe take something home with them that will be of some value. The blog site is chock full of more useful information than can be imagined. Having become acquainted with other bloggers I believe I can say our common trait is to be able to share with others what we have learned along the pathway of life, through much research or trial and error.
As I go back through the blog topics under the Happy Homesteader heading I am amazed at all the interesting topics. Topics like the best apple pie, living off grid -energy options, cutting your trees into lumber, lifestyle choices, hoop style greenhouses, dog stories, animal rescue, pet adoption, wolf rescue, wood mill techniques, “how to” farming information, fixing barn roofs, mountain homesteading, small engine maintenance, buying a tractor, making soap, laundry detergent and lotion, wildfire mitigation, solar power and choosing a homestead site plus multiple other topics which are just too many to list. All this information and ‘how to’ advice in just two months of topics. Subjects written by those with expert knowledge that are comprehensive and yet easy to understand and interesting to the casual reader. When coupled with 10 more months of subjects written by peoplIne who know their subject it is an overwhelming treasure trove of information at your fingertips. Then when all those topics are multiplied by 45 years of contributions there is probably not a subject which is not archived that wouldn’t be of value to a reader with any possible need. It is all available free to any reader that wants to take time to scroll through the site and explore.
All that is required is the ability to type a subject into the search engine and voila there is a list of abundant information at your fingertips which will prove valuable and be of enormous help to those seeking answers for a project or lifestyle change. I can say from my personal perspective that Mother Earth News has provided me ideas and instruction that have made life much easier over the years and helped me make smart informed decisions.
If you have a few moments to spend or a specific need just research it in Mother Earth News. If you don’t find the information you are looking for I would be very surprised. For example when I was attempting to get our association to stop using a toxic spray I found many well written topics in Mother Earth News that proved to be of great help. The articles not only helped educate me but provided me information that was of immense value. Not everyone can or would like to live remote on the side of a mountain like we do so being able to share experiences may just help others realize that if we are doing it then it is clearly possible and may encourage them to give it try it also. We therefore are able to share tough lessons and favorable choices with others and hopefully inspire a thought or help better decisions to be arrived at based on experience.
The one common thread I find with all those who contribute topics is their willingness to share their knowledge to help others and the unselfish time they contribute to putting that knowledge down in writing for all to access. Sometimes the bloggers do open themselves up to contrary opinions but for the discerning reader all comments join together to put topics into a better perspective. It is through the insightful topics and comments that terrific information is available for readers seeking answers.
So to the Mother Earth News staff who facilitate these blogs, chose the appropriate bloggers to contribute and the bloggers themselves who give so much of their time and experience – a most hearty “Thank You”.
For more on Bruce and Carol McElmurray and mountain living go to: