How to Raise Baby Chicks: Week 1 – Things No One Told Us

Reader Contribution by Victoria Gazeley
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Our 15 little girls just had their first week birthday. Little did we know when they arrived on May 31 how much our lives would change over the next seven days – nor did we realize how much our books didn’t tell us about raising baby chickens.

I’ve wanted chickens for a very long time. It was one of the things that drew me to rural living. I don’t know what it is, but somehow, chickens are the epitome of self-sufficient living. So when we finally decided to take the plunge and order our chicks, I was excited… and a bit freaked out. I hadn’t had a pet for years for a reason – I didn’t want the responsibility or limitations of being ‘tied down’. Weirdly, I didn’t have the same fears about having a child. Go figure! That said, you can take your baby on holiday. Chickens? Not so much.

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