How to Make a Labor Co-op Work for You

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Photo By Fotolia/Strakovskaya
Learn how to make a labor co-op that will provide services like a quilting lesson.

Make a labor co-op work for you from the example given by the California based labor cooperative, Free SIG.

Bert Lance’s financial difficulties may have been plastered all over the newspapers . . . but that doesn’t make them any more important, on an individual basis, than the dollar squeeze most of us “ordinary” folks now increasingly find ourselves in.

You know what I’m talking about: How, despite your best budgeting efforts, an unexpected shot for the family pet or an absolutely essential repair on the ole bike always seems to keep you dipping into next month’s rent money.

Well, believe it or not, I’ve discovered a way to take care of most of those little budget bleeders for free (or mighty close to it). And you can too. All it takes is a little energy and a little commitment. Learn how to make a labor co-op work for you.

Free SIG is the Answer

  • Published on Nov 1, 1977
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