How to Grow Grass for Profit

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Make sure to wet your grass the night before cutting the sod and rolling the pads of grass into a "jelly roll." This allows the sod to come up easier. 

Our cash crop — grass — really and truly does pay us over $6,000 an acre. And this isn’t that expensive illegal “grass” that you smoke, either. It’s plain old ordinary sod. The kind a great number of golf courses, nurseries, landscape contractors, and private parties are always eager to buy.

Growing and Selling Sod

Growing and selling sod is like any other business: The people who take enough pains to do it right have the least trouble marketing their product for a premium price.

We plow and run a disc over our acre in the fall and work In a liberal seasoning of manure. Then we let the weeds die and the dirt settle during the winter.

  • Published on Mar 1, 1977
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