MOTHER’s Bi-Monthly Almanac: How to Care for Poinsettias, a Hanging Vase and Homemade Sled

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Photo By Fotolia/Africa Studio
Learn how to care for poinsettias.

MOTHER’s Bi-Monthly Almanac helps you learn how to care for poinsettias, hang vases and build a homemade sled.

Efficient Pouring of Paint Thinner

It’s hard to estimate the quarts of paint thinner and other liquids that are spilled in this country every year . . . merely because not one person in ten knows the simple trick of “starting” those flat, gallon cans with the off — center, screw-on lids.

The secret is to hold the container’s opening UP as you pour off the first quarter or so of the can’s contents. This allows air to enter as the fluid comes out . . . thereby eliminating all the messy glugging” and dribbling.

  • Published on Jan 1, 1978
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