Farming Advice: Bee Sting Salve, Homemade Composter and High Tech Scarecrows

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Homemade composter

MOTHER EARTH NEWS readers share their farming advice, fun tips and country folklore, including using a natural bee salve for stings, making a homemade composter and a CD scarecrow for the garden.

Bee Sting Salve

The best home remedy for bee, wasp and bumble bee stings is to cut an onion inhalf and apply it right to the sting. After a few moments of slightly sharper stinging,the pain will diminish almost immediately,and the sting will heal in a short while. I always keep an onion in my first aid kit when traveling, camping, etc.

—Teresa McSween

Hot Potatoes and Plentiful Produce

  • Published on Oct 1, 2000
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