Whoops! Heavy Snow vs. The Greenhouse

Reader Contribution by Cam Mather
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Have you ever read a homesteading blog where the writer brags about all of his or her great accomplishments and where all of the projects always work out great with no problems? Well that’s not this blog!

Do you ever watch the nightly news and when they show people who live in tornado-prone areas but haven’t built a bunker and you say to yourself, “If I lived in Tornado Alley, I’d be better prepared.” I used to think that way too, but I’ve mellowed over the years. I’ve come to understand that human inertia sometimes prevents you from getting stuff done even when you know you really should do it. It’s amazing how many excuses you can find for not accomplishing an important task.

I had one of those events during the last week of November. I had been looking forward to the fall hoping that I could start slowing down after running the CSA until October. But there has been a steady stream of tasks and projects that have kept me occupied. You can tell that the list was overly long because for the first year ever I was hard-pressed to find the time to get my garlic planted, despite the fact that I planted a fraction of what I have planted in the past. I actually dodged a bullet too because I had a fair amount planted when the ground froze up but I wanted to get more in. We got a thaw, which allowed me to finish it.

Preparing Greenhouses for Winter

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