Creative Storage Solution: A Hanging Shoe Rack

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A hanging shoe rack can save space in a tiny apartment.

I recently hit upon an idea to save space in my small city apartment. It came to me as my wife and I were talking about buying a set of cloth rags for cleaning and realized we didn’t have a good place to store them.

Staring at the wall near the kitchen, I realized there was just enough room there to put a hanging shoe rack. I bought one with 24 pockets, hung it up, and filled it with all manner of miscellaneous items that had been looking for a home, including (of course) our cleaning rags. Now we have easy access to these previously scattered items, as well as a little more room on our shelves and in our cabinets.

LB Blackwell
Chattanooga, Tennessee

  • Published on Jun 6, 2012
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