Haflingers: The Ultimate Horse

Reader Contribution by Harper Slusher
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Draft horses are a practical option for any self-sufficient farmer–handy to use for farm work and enjoyable to

ride. Unfortunately, their bulky size, which makes them capable of draft work, can often pose a problem. Not only does their bulk demand enormous quantities of food, it can also make them harder to handle, especially if their temperament is not consistent.

Fortunately, there is one breed that is nearly as strong, but almost half the size. Smaller than most draft horses, Haflingers rarely reach any taller than 15 hands, normally maturing to heights between 13 to 14 hands. Their small size makes them easier to handle and cheaper to feed. Despite their size, these horses are stocky and incredibly strong, perfect for pulling farm equipment or riding. In appearance, Haflingers are gorgeous horses as well. Their flaxen manes grow long and thick and their coats are striking shades varying from soft golden to creamy chestnut. 

Haflingers first originated in the mountains of Tyrol, Austria. There, they roamed the mountains growing into strong, hardy creatures despite the little food available in the cold winter months. Over time, farmers brought in these horses and used them to plow their fields. 

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