A Guide to Wood Stove Accessories

By Ole Wik
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Photo By Fotolia/Betsy Baranski
Learn how to use a wood stove safely with these helpful tips.

This guide to wood stove accessories provides helpful tips for purchasing and using wood stove tools.

A Guide to Wood Stove Accessories

Day-to-day operation of a wood stove requires a few simple accessories. Each setup has its own particular requirements. This is my personal list:

Poker: This tool is essential for rearranging the wood in the firebox and for raking the coals forward to the draft in those stoves where this is necessary. A poker need not be elaborate, I’ve gotten by for long periods with nothing more than a green stick. But, naturally, some sort of light metal rod is better. It should have a right-angle crook on the working end.

Ash Hoe: A small, fireproof version of the common garden tool, the ash hoe is used to pull ashes forward when emptying the stove or when covering the draft hole in order to seal it when setting an overnight fire. It is also handy for pushing the glowing coals to the back of the stove, as one does when preparing to bake in a stovepipe oven or when setting the fire to hold overnight.

  • Published on Jan 1, 1978
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