Farming Advice: Growing Lemon Trees From Seed, Blue Jean Saddlebags and a Pig Box

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Photo By Fotolia/blue_caterpillar
Farming advice about growing lemon trees from seed, blue jean saddlebags and a pig holding box.

MOTHER EARTH NEWS readers share their farming advice, fun tips and country folklore, including growing lemon trees from seed, blue jean saddlebags and a pig holding box.

Need a stout scrub brush for a really messy cleanup job? “Use a de-seeded sunflower head!” says Matt Wagner of Amherst, Ohio. “Once all the seeds have been rubbed off, the dried flower makes a surprisingly effective scouring pad . . . and a biodegradable one, too! When you’re done scrubbing, you can just toss the used pad into the fireplace, or add it to the compost pile.”

Growing lemon trees from seed is easy. “Lemon seeds,” writes Mrs. Elizabeth Wester of St. Paul, Minnesota, “will grow into lovely little shrubs if you’ll plant them and treat ’em as you would houseplants. Not only that, but the foliage of lemon seedlings makes a good flavoring: Just tie a few leaves up in cheesecloth and drop them into a pot of stewed apples or prunes during the last few minutes they’re cooked.”

  • Published on Sep 1, 1977
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