Any time I am rototiling my garden, I usually let my chickens out of their pen because they follow right behind the tiller, catching any bugs — especially grub worms — that happen to be turned up by the tiller.
When I harvest my corn, I walk among the stalks and push each one over with my foot as I pick the ears. This usually sets the grasshoppers and other bugs to going every which way. The chickens are right there to enjoy this “bug smorgasbord,” too.
Each year, some species of bugs flourish. Last year it was crickets, and this year it’s grasshoppers. I am the only one around here who has no problem with the annual bugs. When I see an invasion of bugs coming, I just let the chickens out, and they enjoy another feast.
If any vegetables or fruits are picked overripe, the chickens will love ’em! Over the years, I have discovered that chickens will eat anything but bones, watermelon rinds and cantaloupe skins.
Grady County, Oklahoma