OK, we know all about the genetically engineered corn, rice and soybeans, but a GE cow? It’s true, the FDA is taking public comment on the regulation of altering animal DNA in an attempt to increase their resistance to diseases such as BSE and produce healthier food products, such as meat with increased levels of omega-3 fatty acids. That doesn’t sound that bad, does it? But wait, that’s not all: Scientists also want to alter animals’ genetics to make them more susceptible to diseases that affect humans (such as cancer) for the purpose of research. How about a hypoallergenic pet? That’s also on the table. Need an organ transplant? We’ll have an animal that’s been engineered for that, too. They’re even wanting animals to produce human pharmaceuticals such as insulin.
If these animals are approved for the food system (they’re not, yet), the FDA states plainly that it will not be required to label the products that contain them.
Read more about the proposal and make your comments here.