Frugal Living: Could we be Doing More?

Reader Contribution by Carrie Williams Howe
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Note: The author was provided with a complementary copy of The Art of Frugal Hedonism by Chelsea Green Publishing in order to write a review on her blog.  This is an accompanying article.

As homesteaders, frugal living is often a way of life.  After all, living in a self-sufficient way is synonymous with living frugally.  But could you be doing more?  And are there other ways to look at what it means to be “frugal?”

In July, 2018 The Happy Hive Homestead hosted a book group with homesteaders from across the United States and beyond.  Out of five books to choose from, the group select The Art of Frugal Hedonism by Annie Raser Rowland and Adam Grubb.  We were immediately taken with the book, in particular for the creative way that the authors frame frugal living not just as the act of being cheap or living with less, but as a way to enjoy life even more by reframing what we see as normal (click here to read our review of the book).

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