Successful Swaps: Food Sharing, Barter Fair, and More

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Successful swaps can include any object or service if the parties to the exchange are satisfied.

In a past issue of MOTHER EARTH NEWS, Bill Wodraska shared some of his thoughts regarding one of mankind’s better ideas — barter — and offered up an interesting suggestion: “I’d like to see a continuing feature on barter and skill-and-labor exchanges,” said Bill. “Maybe MOTHER EARTH NEWS could even swap subscriptions for contributions to the department.” “You’re on!” we replied … and announced our offer: Anyone who sent us a short (200 words or less) account of an actual barter that was good enough to print received — as the folks on the following pages did — a 12-month subscription (or extension of same) to MOTHER EARTH NEWS. While the offer is no longer in effect, you can still add your idea in the comments field of this article to share it with others.

FOOD SHARING: A couple of years back, I was working on a quilt with two good friends when it came time for our hostess to prepare her family’s dinner. As Gina came from the refrigerator with her arms full of assorted leftovers, she began to complain. Though the food was perfectly good, she said, she was sure her husband and children would not be terribly interested in seeing it on the table for a second time. As I sympathized with Gina, Maggie looked up from her quilting . . . Maggie always perks up at the mention of food. “Hmm . . . looks great,” Maggie said. “You know, I’ve got a ton of last night’s green bean stew in the fridge. How about a trade?” Well, Gina loves Maggie’s stew, so she agreed. And I wasn’t about to be left out of the dinner swap, so I modestly mentioned the wheat bread that I had baked that morning. The barter ended with all of us switching our leftovers around until we each had a new–and easy-to-prepare–dinner. That day’s swappin’ started a regular exchange of leftovers … to the delight of all three families. –L.K., Louisiana

PASTURE SWAP: While I was out in the barnyard putting a patch on the shed the other day, our heifer Blitz came nosing around . . . and I was reminded of her origins.

You see, my friend Bill had inquired how much I’d charge to pasture a calf that he wanted to buy. I told him to bring the critter over, and we’d work something out … as long as no money changed hands. Well, Bill showed up with four heifers! Seems he’d gotten such a good price at the sale that he couldn’t stop. Bill offered me one young’un in return for pasturing the other three, and–of course–I agreed. Later we took another of the calves in exchange for a week’s rental on our VW camper.

  • Published on Jan 1, 1980
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