DIY Off-Grid Chicken-Watering System

Reader Contribution by Lydia Noyes
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Keeping chickens on your homestead can be an important step in becoming more self sufficient and sustainable. A backyard flock can easily keep a family in eggs all year with enough to spare for neighbors and friends. When my husband and I moved to our Appalachian homestead, one of our first priorities was to get the old chicken coop on the property back in order and fill it with mini flocks of laying hens, silkie chickens and guinea fowl.

Our birds have been a delight to watch grow to maturity, but as they’ve increased in size they have outgrown their two gallon indoor waterer. Filling it is a simple enough process but made more complicated because our entire homestead runs on rainwater and all our livestock water comes from giant rain barrels off the side of our house.

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