Dear Mother October/November 2006

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12 Great Places to Live (August/September 2006)
12 Great Places to Live (August/September 2006)
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The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful (June/July 2006)
The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful (June/July 2006)
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Discover Real Green Beans (August/September 2006)
Discover Real Green Beans (August/September 2006)
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Natural Pet Foods (June/July 2006)
Natural Pet Foods (June/July 2006)
October/November 2006 Issue #218

Mother’s Basic Education
Not Convinced We’re Changing the Climate
Cinnamon Cuts Cholesterol?
Population: Explosion or Dud?
Wants Sustainable Population
Animal ID System: You Won’t Like It
Traditions Live On
Look There, It’s Lunch
Beating Bean Bugs
Pet Chow Recipes Incomplete
Eco-friendly Equipment
Solar Summer in the City
A Great Place Indeed
Been There, Didn’t Like That
Danger in the Grass
Common Sense is Key
Building Better Soil
It Works for Me
Organic Can be Simpler

Mother’s Basic Education

I have been an avid Mother Earth News reader for years and must admit that I’ve been hard pressed to think of a subject that I haven’t seen covered in your publication. It occurred to me that I have probably received more of an education in ethics, politics, economics and what many would call “just plain old common sense” by reading this one magazine than I ever did in public school. The environment is one subject that is far too important to the future of this planet to leave to chance. As the days begin to feel shorter and the world appears to spin faster, I find solace every other month in a magazine that provides the opportunity to slow down, step back and question the orbit that this planet is in. Thank you.

Travis Peterson
  • Published on Oct 1, 2006
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