Dear Mother: June/July 2009

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Readers write in that dogs and turkeys can be good guards against predators such as hawks.
Readers write in that dogs and turkeys can be good guards against predators such as hawks.
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Can we navigate the curves the future has in store for us?
Can we navigate the curves the future has in store for us?
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While Planning for a Solar Revolution provides many
While Planning for a Solar Revolution provides many "brilliant" ideas for the future of U.S. energy use, Tripp Tibbetts argues that new energy plans alone simply aren't enough.
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Candice Chatfield loves her electric mower, and writes
Candice Chatfield loves her electric mower, and writes "I can’t see any reason for anyone to use a gas mower for a small to medium lawn."
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If your city doesn't permit open burning, check the fire pits at the local campground for biochar.
If your city doesn't permit open burning, check the fire pits at the local campground for biochar.
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Reader Todd Millions warns that when cleaning a pellet stove with a vacuum, you should wait about a week after the last use for safety.
Reader Todd Millions warns that when cleaning a pellet stove with a vacuum, you should wait about a week after the last use for safety.
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Roger Doiron's article Count on Cabbage inspired Rob Kenneway to revisit his mother's recipe for stuffed cabbage.
Roger Doiron's article Count on Cabbage inspired Rob Kenneway to revisit his mother's recipe for stuffed cabbage.

<h3>Denis Hayes for President</h3>
<p>I’ve always enjoyed <em>Mother Earth News</em> for the great gardening articles, but your recent discussions of global environmental issues have been so concise and well-written that I’m keeping your magazine in my office to help me articulate opinions and vision with my colleagues and clients. In particular, <a href=”” target=”_self”>Planning for a Sustainable Human Future</a> by Bryan Welch and <a href=”” target=”_self”>A Plan for the Solar Revolution</a> by Denis Hayes are must-reads for all.</p>
<p>Welch’s analogy of visualizing success in completing a difficult physical challenge is effective and relevant in relation to our environmental challenges. His observations regarding human population balance present a compassionate and simple necessity. And Hayes lays out such a clear and comprehensive strategy for renewable energy that he should be our president.</p>
<p>Thank you for keeping the quality of discussion at this level.</p>
<h5>Mike Bower<br />

  • Published on May 8, 2009
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