Dear Mother June/July 2006

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Two-wheeled tractor from BCS-America.
Two-wheeled tractor from BCS-America.
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Earthbag building in Guatemala
Earthbag building in Guatemala
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Scott and Helen Nearing sawing wood at their Maine homestead in 1980.
Scott and Helen Nearing sawing wood at their Maine homestead in 1980.
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Wylie Harris
Wylie Harris
June/July 2006

A More Compact Tractor
Cover Wraps: We’re Sorry
Free Border Make Good Neighbors
Pond Memories
Healing Power of Flowers
Earthbags to the Rescue
One Smart Duck
Small Investments Pay Big Dividends
Chickens, Far and Near
Saving Three Ways
Mother in the Second Generation

A More Compact Tractor

I enjoyed your article about small tractors, but the prices sure aren’t small (“Discover Versatile Compact Tractors,” April/May 2006). I’ve been looking at two-wheeled tractors made by an Italian company, BCS, and they have some real possibilities for small farmers.

I’ve heard very favorable comments about them from everyone I’ve talked to who has tried one. Most local farm and garden equipment stores don’t have them on the floor, but I found a dealer in my area on the BCS Web site (see below).

  • Published on Jun 1, 2006
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