Thanks For Nothing Month, Day 5: Natural Home Heating

Reader Contribution by Annie Warmke
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“Just for today I will take some moments to think about times when I have made good life decisions.”


There’s an arctic blast headed our way. The temperatures they are predicting are almost unbelievable, they’re so low. Every time I hear the forecast on the radio I gasp out loud. All I can think of is how hard it’s going to be on the livestock, and folks who are homeless. Over our morning tea we talked about the fact that current weather predictions include rain, then freezing temperatures, then snow. This type of weather usually causes large electrical outages, and may create a life-threatening situation. It’s difficult to imagine how people can live without a backup heating system. I would be terrified that the electricity would go off in this weather.  If that were to happen here, the only impact would be concerns over how to keep the water for the livestock from freezing.

Using a Rocket Mass Heater Rocket Stove

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