Down-Home Country Lore: Bloated Goat, Hard Boiled Eggs, Spilled Milk and More

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Advice from those who know best... the people who are actually doing it!

If every one of today’s homesteading families has learned as much from their rural neighbors as we have from ours. . . then there must be-buried just beneath the surface of MOTHER-land–a whole mine of country lore that should be shared.

You know the kind of information I mean: those little, practical down-home, time-tested solutions for minor problems. Solutions that somehow never get included in textbooks or written up into articles … yet which you and I use every day simply because they work.

Here, for starters, are a few gleanings from the Bubel tribes collection of rural wisdom (wisdom which we, for the most part, have
winnowed from the much larger storehouse of native horse sense that our friends, relatives, and acquaintances regularly draw upon).

You’ll notice that the larger percentage of the following tips and hints can be implemented with nothing more exotic than common, everyday farm findings . . . such as baskets, feed bags, or vinegar. So–if you’d rather fix or improvise what you need, rather than order a “for cash” replacement or make an expensive trip to the store–check in with us here at the Country Lore Column from time to time. You’re our kind of people!

  • Published on Jul 1, 1976
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