Country Events: Harness Racing, Hoedowns and More

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Enjoy perusing through “Old-Time Country Wisdom and Lore,” a handy reference guide filled with 1,000 projects, pastimes, recipes and down-home truths and over 400 vintage illustrations. This illustrated encyclopedia brings wisdom, advice and joy from the simple life of the countryside and from a bygone time.
Enjoy perusing through “Old-Time Country Wisdom and Lore,” a handy reference guide filled with 1,000 projects, pastimes, recipes and down-home truths and over 400 vintage illustrations. This illustrated encyclopedia brings wisdom, advice and joy from the simple life of the countryside and from a bygone time.
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Men and boys lingered about the local railroad station, awaiting the arrival of the traveling tent company.
Men and boys lingered about the local railroad station, awaiting the arrival of the traveling tent company.
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At the beginning of the 1800s, the two-wheeled sulky was invented for harness racing.
At the beginning of the 1800s, the two-wheeled sulky was invented for harness racing.
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A barn dance meant a night of conviviality and rhythmic movement to the tune of a fiddle.
A barn dance meant a night of conviviality and rhythmic movement to the tune of a fiddle.
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Maple-sugaring time meant a combination of hard work and fun. In late winter with snow still carpeting the ground, country people set off for the woods equipped with freshly washed buckets, tapping irons and sap spouts.
Maple-sugaring time meant a combination of hard work and fun. In late winter with snow still carpeting the ground, country people set off for the woods equipped with freshly washed buckets, tapping irons and sap spouts.

Long-standing lore, such as reading the clouds to predict the weather or using a divining rod to find water, enriches the traditions and culture of simple living. Author Jerry Mack Johnson offers a definitive guide of these whimsical teachings as well as practical advice for modern homesteaders in Old-Time Country Wisdom and Lore (Voyageur Press, 2011). Learn how to can fruits and vegetables, make a hammock, find the best fishing spots and more in this homespun encyclopedia of classic country know-how. Learn about the different country events that brought the rural community together in this excerpt from chapter 20, “Country Pastimes.”

You can purchase this book from the MOTHER EARTH NEWS store: Old-Time Country Wisdom and Lore.

Chautauqua Circuit

When the faded red of barns and the windows of small-town emporiums were enlivened by brightly colored posters announcing the coming of Chautauqua, the pulse of the countryside quickened. Anticipation of this yearly occurrence was savored as much as the actual event.

Men and boys lingered about the local railroad station, awaiting the arrival of the traveling tent company. Country lads, eager for a summer job providing excitement as well as remuneration, labored to set up the great brown tent, acted as ticket takers, or strove to protect audiences and performers from inclement weather. Armed with long poles, they gingerly elevated sagging canvas, dangerously heavy with collected rain, in an attempt to drain away the water. Failure would oftentimes result in a drenching as rents developed, but the enthusiasm of both troupers and viewers was never diluted.

  • Published on Jan 9, 2013
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