Having three cats is important for mice control on our homestead. But litter is expensive and does not compost: Litter we threw out four years ago still sits on the ground where we put it.
Because we use wood shavings for our horses’ bedding, I decided to try them in the covered litter box in our bathroom. I was doubtful about whether our 13-year-old Siamese cat, Nutmeg, would be willing to use it. She can be very fussy at times! She does like it, although sometimes it makes her sneeze.
In our area, a 25-pound bale of wood shavings costs $3.99, and if we change it daily, the shavings last more than two months for three cats. I keep a mat under the box, so the shavings that get tracked out usually end up on the mat instead of the floor. It’s a snap to clean up and there is absolutely no litter smell! And best of all, the shavings and cat waste compost back into the ground.
Kathleen G. Lupole
Smithville Flats, New York