Over the years, many books with valuable information for homesteading wannabes have gone out of print. This is unfortunate, as most of the authors wrote from personal experience at a time when self-sufficiency was the norm.
Now, Robert Plamondon, Oregon poultry aficionado, and publisher of Norton Creek Press, has brought back some of the old titles and has plans for more. Here is the first group:
Edmund Morris’ classic “Ten Acres Enough: Small-Farm Self-Sufficiency Through High-Quality Produce, A Back-to-the-Land Adventure” from 1864.
M. G. Kains’ charming “We Wanted a Farm: A Back-to-the-Land Adventure” by the author of “Five Acres and Independence” from 1941.
Margaret Leatherbarrow’s fascinating “Gold in the Grass: Rags to Riches Through Soil Reclamation and Sustainable Farming,” from 1954.
You will find a wealth of homesteading and self-sufficiency information from Plamondon’s reprints as well as from his books on raising pastured poultry.