Try Chicken Starter Livestock for the Homestead

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Pasturing the flock is the best thing you can do for your birds’ health and for nutrient-rich eggs and meat. Pasture shelters can be designed in all shapes, sizes and materials to meet specific needs.
Pasturing the flock is the best thing you can do for your birds’ health and for nutrient-rich eggs and meat. Pasture shelters can be designed in all shapes, sizes and materials to meet specific needs.
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Not all chicken breeds have a strong instinct to hatch eggs and nurture young. To foster these traits, the author is working on an experimental cross of old English games and rose comb Dorkings.
Not all chicken breeds have a strong instinct to hatch eggs and nurture young. To foster these traits, the author is working on an experimental cross of old English games and rose comb Dorkings.
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High quality eggs are one of many great reasons to keep a flock of chickens.
High quality eggs are one of many great reasons to keep a flock of chickens.
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Barred Plymouth rocks are quite productive. Many people find the black and white barring attractive.
Barred Plymouth rocks are quite productive. Many people find the black and white barring attractive.
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Electric net fencing is an excellent management tool for getting the flock onto the pasture, while confining them where you want and protecting them from predators.
Electric net fencing is an excellent management tool for getting the flock onto the pasture, while confining them where you want and protecting them from predators.
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Your backyard flock can help preserve our historic breeds. The old English game breed has a thousand-year history as a utilitarian farm fowl.
Your backyard flock can help preserve our historic breeds. The old English game breed has a thousand-year history as a utilitarian farm fowl.

Try chicken starter livestock, these easy-to-keep chickens will provide delicious eggs and meat, plus bug control, fertilizer and tillage. Includes two viewpoints on selecting the right breed of chicken for your situation!

Try Chicken Starter Livestock for the Homestead

Eggs from backyard flocks are of a quality and nutritional density that those dependent on the supermarket can only dream of. Necessary culling (of excess males and non-productive females) graces the table with flavorful meat. But backyard flocks can contribute to self-sufficiency in more ways than simply putting food on the table. They offer bug control, tillage and great entertainment.

Poultry are incredible starter livestock for most homesteads, because their needs are easily and cheaply met, and the homesteader can start on a small scale.

Coming Home to Roost

  • Published on Dec 1, 2007
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