Own A Charter Bus Company

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Larry Gates in front of his charter bus.
Larry Gates in front of his charter bus.
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Scenes from a Gates charter bus tour.
Scenes from a Gates charter bus tour.
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Larry Gates examining the engine.
Larry Gates examining the engine.

Most folks work all year in order to get a couple of weeks off to fish, ski, or just drive around and enjoy the scenery.

Lake Sherwood, California’s Larry Gates on the other hand has gotten off the yearly vacation treadmill. As the owner and operator of a home-based charter bus company, Larry spends about 200 days a year “on vacation” . . . but he never travels alone! By hauling children, senior citizens, Elks, Rotarians, and other such groups along with him, the busman has managed to live the life he wants to and earn an impressively high annual income!

“For most anyone who likes to travel, a one bus charter operation makes an ideal home business,” says Larry, an easygoing, 37-yearold who lives in the country and loves it. “Once you’re established, it’s not hard to net $35,000 a year . . . without even pushing yourself.”

Cost Versus Income

The dollars-and-cents arithmetic involved in running a small tour company goes something like this:

  • Published on Jan 1, 1980
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