Celebrating All of the Newcomers to Homesteading

Reader Contribution by Marissa Buchanan and Buchanan's Barnyard
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With every headline filled with the words “Pandemic,” “food shortage,” and more; I think that most realize we must all live a little more sustainably.  Small farms are seeing a boom in sales and CSA shares. The Pandemic scared everyone and food costs are expected to soar in the coming months. So many people that have never gardened before are planting a garden, people who have never owned livestock are now owning livestock, and many are taking a hard look at their lifestyles.

If the food supply chain was to “break” or even be put under the stress that it has been lately, many worry if they’ll be able to provide for their families. In more Urban Areas, Victory Gardens are becoming the latest trend and I hope that this trend stays. It wasn’t all that long ago that this was the normal way of life. This type of Lifestyle kept our ancestors in shape and alive for millions of years. 

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