This home-canning tip has saved me many frustrating moments
when I am knee-deep canning tomatoes, corn, carrots and
venison. To prevent the lids from sticking together after
they’ve been boiled — and to keep from burning my fingers
when I’m in a hurry and trying to pry the lids apart —
layer them in the pan that I heat them in, placing one lid
rubber side up, and the next lid rubber side down. Instead
of all sliding together in one lump, the lids slide apart
and are easily picked up with tongs and laced on the rim of
the jar.
layer them in the pan that I heat them in, placing one lid
rubber side up, and the next lid rubber side down. Instead
of all sliding together in one lump, the lids slide apart
and are easily picked up with tongs and laced on the rim of
the jar.
— Margaret Novak, Kennan, Wisconsin