Candlemas: A Midwinter Homesteader’s Holiday

Reader Contribution by Ilene White Freedman
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by Adobestock/Liz

In early February (February 2, to be exact), there is an ancient holiday called Candlemas. It is celebrated between the winter solstice (December 21) and the spring equinox (March 20). On Candlemas, people would gather wax and all the half-used candles around the house and make more candles from old wax or dip fresh beeswax candles to get them through the second half of winter. February means you’re half way to spring (guess this depends where you live!). It’s a half-way-through-winter and let’s make sure we’ll stay cozy and well-fed kind of celebration.

Candlemas came across my desk in our Waldorf homeschool studies. Waldorf School originated in Germany, along with the celebration of Candlemas. German settlers brought Candlemas to the US in the 1700s, which was then the origin of Groundhog Day.

Groundhog Day doesn’t do anything for me, observing a groundhog for hints about how long it will be before the winter cold days melt into spring. I don’t give the weather forecasters any more attention than I give the groundhogs. But Candlemas Day speaks to me. Although I am sure there is much more to it in its Christian origin, it is a homesteader’s holiday.

Taking Stock Midwinter

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