Build a Log Cabin Without Spending a Fortune

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Originally, building a log cabin was a decision made out of necessity. Eventually, it evolved into a dream.
Originally, building a log cabin was a decision made out of necessity. Eventually, it evolved into a dream.
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The first step to making window in the cabin is sawing out openings in the log walls where you want the windows to be.
The first step to making window in the cabin is sawing out openings in the log walls where you want the windows to be.
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A chainsaw can also be used to make angles and birdmouth notches.
A chainsaw can also be used to make angles and birdmouth notches.
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 Boards and beams are cut with a chain saw.
 Boards and beams are cut with a chain saw.
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"The Thing," invented by Dick himself, is capable of lifting 2,000 pounds.
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Dick welded pieces of sheet metal together to form a chimney.
Dick welded pieces of sheet metal together to form a chimney.
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A Birds Eye View of Dick's Log Cabin. For insulation, roll fiberglass out and staple it to the beams on the roof (top left). A water hose helps level the tops of the batter boards so they'll all be the same height (bottom). 
A Birds Eye View of Dick's Log Cabin. For insulation, roll fiberglass out and staple it to the beams on the roof (top left). A water hose helps level the tops of the batter boards so they'll all be the same height (bottom). 
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He later suspended this chimney form the rafters, 24
He later suspended this chimney form the rafters, 24" above the fireplace.
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Dick with wife Cathy and four daughters.
Dick with wife Cathy and four daughters.
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It's hard work, but well worth it!
It's hard work, but well worth it!
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Dick builds his stone fireplace in what is soon to be their living room.
Dick builds his stone fireplace in what is soon to be their living room.

This is the story of a long-time dream that is about to become reality. Like most people, I dreamed of owning my own home, in a place where my children could experience the peace of mind that comes from living in the country. I wanted my four daughters to enjoy the freedom and the comfort of knowing that our family could provide for ourselves. Part of this desire came from my own father, who shared with me his crystal clear memories of surviving the Great Depression. He taught me the importance of being self-reliant, no matter how bad the economy became.

My dream to build a log cabin by myself began almost 15 years ago. At that time the decision was made out of necessity, due to our financial status and the state of the economy in our area. As time went by, our finances improved and the necessity evolved into a dream — a dream that is finally starting to come together.

First Steps

All those years that I was dreaming, I of junk and equipment that I thought would be helpful in building a sawmill and forklift, or some other type of loader to handle logs and lumber. I read everything I could get my hands on about building log homes and sawmills, and assessed the resources available in our area. I also assessed my own skills and took the time to look carefully at many older buildings. All this research played a giant part in the actual building.

Over the years, I also noticed that many of those older wooden buildings that had survived the test of time had a lot of traits in common. Most of them had open-pier foundations that supported the structure at least 24″ above the ground. I suppose this was to allow for good ventilation under the house, preventing problems caused by moisture, termites, and the like.

  • Published on Apr 1, 1993
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