Birth Story of Nathalia Christine, Part 2

Reader Contribution by Antonette Vasseur
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Expecting our third child any day, I went into labor the afternoon of July 27th. Almost 12 hours of labor later, everything came to a stop. Hourly contractions would bring me to my knees the entire weekend and I was starting to lose all trust that I had in my body and the birthing process. On the night of July 30th at 10:30 pm, my water broke in bed. This is Part 2 of Nathalia’s Birth Story

After my water broke I reached over and grabbed my phone and sent texts to my friends and our photographer, called my mother, and then called the midwife’s assistant. The plan was to give her a call and she would come over and call the Midwife when it was getting close to time for me to push. She asked me on the phone, “Do you feel the urge to push?” I laughed. Of course not! I was only 4 cm. That was silly to think I would be ready to push out a baby. 

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