Birth Story of Nathalia Christine Part 1

Reader Contribution by Antonette Vasseur
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My pregnancy with our third child began exactly the way it ended: unexpected and leaving us in suspense.

The day we got the positive pregnancy test I had a mix of emotions. We had miscarried in August and part of me wanted that baby back, and another part of me knew that we should wait another year. Our daughter Evangélina was just turning one. Was I really ready for one more so soon? Did I want to go through a pregnancy with a toddler? 

The evening of November 4, 2011, I held three positive tests in my hand unsure of what was to come next, or if this pregnancy would even stick. A week later I was told my hcg levels were low, too low to be a viable pregnancy and to expect to miscarry soon. I waited almost two long weeks for something to happen as I watched the lines fade on the tests I would take every day. I was watching my baby leaving me, slowly. It was heartbreaking. I would stop and sob while my husband held me. This needed to end soon because waiting was torture.

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