The Beauty of a Cookstove

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Illustration courtesy of ACME
Cooking with a wood stove can come in very handy for many families and is worth the investment.

My husband, Theo–bless his practical heart–looked at me with his mouth wide open, trying for the umpteenth time in our years of marriage to understand the workings of my mind. Finally, he found his voice. “Billie, surely you aren’t serious about wanting a wood cookstove. Have you any idea of what using one is like?” He shook his head.

“Yes, I think I do. In fact, I’m sure of it.” Boy, that last crack closed off every avenue of escape. If I weren’t sure, I’d better get that way.

Theo went on. “Why, you’ll probably break your foot the first day kicking the blamed thing when it doesn’t do to suit you.” He threw back his head and laughed. Theo had grown up with a wood-burning cookstove and claimed to know all their quirks.

His arguments were sound enough but I had a few of my own: “I know a wood-burning range would be sheer purgatory for many, but I think it will be therapeutic for my impatient nature. Also, think of the money we’ll save on the electric bill and it’s a great way to get rid of all that scrub timber growing everywhere . . . and, besides, I WANT IT.”

A smile played at the corners of Theo’s mouth. How well he knew me. “Alright. We’ll buy you a woodburning cookstove but, once it’s bought, there’ll be no turning back. Okay?”

  • Published on Jan 1, 1971
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