Heartwarming Stories of Animal Valentines

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Photo by Fotolia/ksuksa
Animal Valentines on the homestead can reaffirm our simple belief that love can blossom anywhere!

This heartwarming story of a pig that adopted a lamb got us thinking about homestead-based love stories. We asked our Facebook fans if they have ever observed these specials gestures from these animal valentines on their homesteads.

Whether the goat that adopted a gaggle of baby geese or a maternal donkey that looks after a herd of sheep, we wanted to hear your stories of love and affection that originated on the farm. Our fans responded with dozens of beautiful stories of these special friends, some of which we’ll share with you! 

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Laura Sirois Maine farm girl here. I had a little black duck as a kid who would sit on her eggs for eons. They would never hatch because there was no male. We had geese also. The female goose would always abandon her eggs before they hatched so we switched out the eggs one year. What a sight, a little black duck parading her newly hatched baby geese for the world to admire. She raised several gaggles!

Andrea TenBrink Growing up on a ranch in Idaho, we had a cat that passed and left a litter behind. Our male Doberman took each into his doghouse and slept with them to protect and keep them warm. He guarded them until they were old enough to run around the barnyard on their own. It was amazing and I will never forget it after all of these years. Purely an act of compassion.

  • Published on Feb 14, 2014
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