What You Should Know About Animal Production Claims

Reader Contribution by David Maren and Tendergrass Farms
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Ever walked into a grocery store and felt a little bewildered by all the different claims that meat companies are making these days about the way that their animals are raised? Terms like cage-free, free range, hormone free, pasture raised, and all-natural are very common in today’s local food co-ops, Whole Foods Markets, online meat shops, and even Wal-Mart Supercenters but what do those terms really mean? What exactly can an all-natural pig be fed or not fed? What’s the difference between grass fed beef and pasture raised beef? In my recent series of blog posts over at the popular nutrition blog Mark’s Daily Apple, that’s exactly what I set out to educate my readers about. After digging down and finding out the true meaning of the claims that you see daily in your supermarket, you may consider raising your own little flock of pastured chickens or turkeys this year after all.

Post #1 – What You Should Know About Poultry Production Claims

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