All In a Day: Staying Flexible in the Homesteading Lifestyle

Reader Contribution by Laura Berlage and North Star Homestead Farms
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Kara holding triplets! 

We’re a family that makes lists as we endeavor to keep all the balls in the air and projects rolling.  There are lists stuck on the paper towel dispenser, lists on the whiteboard by the back door, lists in my journal, lists in the workshop.  Some of the lists live in my head—like the little daily to-do’s and don’t-forgets.

But Tuesday was a “thwart the list” day.

It started out fair enough, with mostly sunny skies on a crisp morning.  Tuesdays are the pack CSA shares day, so I was out in the garden harvesting cabbages, checking for cucumbers in the high tunnel, and loading up pie pumpkins in the back of the utility golf cart.  Chores went smoothly — the chickens, turkeys, and ducks all happy to see me.

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