Farming Advice: An Activist Christmas Gift, Unclaimed Clothing and Spring Bulbs

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MOTHER-reader plants the bulbs in various containers and forces them to bloom . . . then sets her planters out in bright areas indoors . . . and has beautiful blossoms during the otherwise dreary winter months.

MOTHER EARTH NEWS readers share their farming advice, fun tips and country folklore, including a unique and economical idea for an activist Christmas gift, collecting coin laundry unclaimed clothing for cheap and decorating your winter yard with pots of forced spring bulbs.

Barb Elam wanted to extend holiday greetings to her friends in a manner that was both economically feasible and emotionally fulfilling. So the Pomona, Illinois reader and her husband devised some unique gifts that not only cost just 78 cents each to produce, but also helped spread the spirit of good will. The Land of Lincoln residents simply typed up the following message . . . enclosed several stamped postcards, already addressed to the recipient’s political representatives . . . and placed both in an envelope decorated with recycled ribbon.


We hope this finds you happy and healthy! In place of a traditional gift, we offer this list (and the addressed postcards) in the hope that you will let your opinions be heard. We feel the time has come to speak up. Following are some issues upon which you may be interested in expressing your views, whatever they may be:

  • Published on Nov 1, 1982
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