Now you know my shame.
I haven’t planted my garden yet.
How can someone who claims to be a ‘modern homesteader’ not have
planted her garden by the end of June, you ask? Let me tell you…
It started with the weather. Cold, rainy, muddy – not very conducive
to working outside. Now I know this isn’t really an excuse – if I
actually depended on my garden for sustenance, I’d be in trouble. BIG
trouble. But this weather, which is becoming fairly ‘normal’ for this
part of the world through the end of June, just doesn’t inspire the
gardener in me.
What it does do is make me think.
I think about my ancestors,
who had to plant regardless of the weather, or they’d have likely
starved. I think about our modern day organic farmers, who are out
planting and caring for their crops in frost and downpours – so we can
eat, and to feed their own families and secure their futures. I think
of all those throughout the world who can’t afford to go to the local
organic grocer to pick up first class organic produce from Mexico, Chile
and California in the dead of winter. They don’t have the luxury of
postponing planting because it’s rainy and cold and it’s more
comfortable to stay inside with a nice hot cup of tea.
Of course, this should inspire me. But the beds are still not planted.
Now all that said, the season isn’t a complete loss. I just finished preparing a new audio interview: Emergency Food Storage – Why Bother? and
more than anything, it shocked me once again at how dependent most of
us are on shipments of food coming from outside the country. In summer,
not so much of a problem, but in winter, if we want fresh vegetables,
we have to grow our own (and all that goes with that), rely solely on
sprouts, or buy the imported variety.
There are many who say that the ecological footprint of imported
vegetables in winter is actually less than what it would cost to grow
these same plants in heated greenhouses, but no matter how you fancy it
up, it’s still not really sustainable. Not to mention impossible in the event of a major disaster that disrupts food shipping. So what’s a busy person who doesn’t like being out in the rain and mud to do?
My answer (and the one that makes me feel better): start where you’re at, and do a little bit at a time.
I know this comes a bit late for me, but I’m pegging my reputation on it (ahem). The bottom line is, it’s never too late to start a garden.
I was so ready in February with local organic and heritage seeds,
composted organic horse manure and my lovely raised beds. I bought 9
more blueberry plants, a goji berry and others. And I had the desire.
But it kept raining. And raining. And it was cold. And every time
there was a lull, I’d think “I really should get out there“. But another client project
would be calling from my office, or there’d be a performance at my
son’s school – or the monsoon would start again just as I put on my muck
boots and donned a shovel.
Bottom line? I. Just. Never. Got. Around. To. It.
And now it’s the end of June.
So I’ve decided I’ll just start fresh and plan for a fall and winter garden, which, in this part of the world, is entirely doable.
And there you have it. None of us are perfect. And I have
no interest in holding myself up as the Martha Stewart of the modern
homesteading movement, because I’d fail miserably (or make myself
miserable trying). Sure I like my house tidy, full of stylish things to
look at. But a magazine-worthy example I am not (except on my Mother Earth News and Grit Magazine blogs, of course)!
But when it comes to actually getting out there and doing it,
actually taking the plunge, leaving my full time job, moving to the
country and making this work, late garden planting and all?
Now THAT I can do. And that I am doing.
But dang, it’s raining again. And that cup of tea and the gardening
book I’ve been meaning to read is looking awfully tempting. I think
I’ll just settle in for another afternoon. At this point, what’s
another day?
Have any of your gardening or homesteading plans gone AWOL this
spring? Let us know in the comments below – I’d love to hear that I’m
not alone!