A Break From The Backyard

Reader Contribution by Jane Gripper
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Even the most ardent of Earth lovin’,green livin’, urban or otherwise wielders of the big environmental stick have weaknesses which impact on the size of their carbon footprint. I have to admit that I have many environmental (and other) weaknesses which make my paltry attempts at “backyard environmentalism” seem ridiculous.

Being new to this huge and amazing country, my family and I have an insatiable desire to see as much of it as possible. What a dilemma! We want to travel to see all that isunique to the USA, but in doing so, our carbon footprint grows, just like Pinocchio’s nose, when ever we hop on a plane, drive the car on vacation, or hire an RV . I guess by way of justification, whenever my eyes are opened to just how beautiful and diverse our world (and this country) is,it makes me even more determined and enthused to protect it, and to educate others on how to care for it.

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