7 Myths and One Truth About Soap Making

Reader Contribution by Julia Shewchuk and Serenity Acres Farm
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<p>A lot of people shy away from making soap because they think it is really complicated and dangerous as they have had many horror stories about soaps gone wrong. Reading a soap making recipe can certainly give you that impression. But mostly they are just very detailed to keep you out of trouble.</p>
<p>My first soap recipe with all the detailed instructions was two pages long and I was very intimidated. A friend took me under her wing and we made my first batch of soap together. At the end I thought: &ldquo;This is it?&rdquo; and I have never looked back.</p>
<p>In this blog post,&nbsp; let&rsquo;s address a few facts and common myths about soap making and get you familiar with some of the terminology that you need to know about one method of making soap, the Cold Process method. Other methods exist, but frankly, I&rsquo;m not very familiar with those and I&rsquo;ll leave blogs about those to people who can actually talk about themJ. I also want to mention that any experience described in this and following blogs are from personal experience. Any of those perfect batches, imperfect batches and bombed batches have been made by yours truly.</p>

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