Children’s Toy Farm Craft Project

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To make your miniature farm, you'll need 12 square feet (not quite half a sheet) of 1/8 inch tempered hardboard, a band (or scroll) saw — or a coping saw if you prefer to work by hand — a drill, a ruler, carpenter's glue, some paints, and a small brush.
To make your miniature farm, you'll need 12 square feet (not quite half a sheet) of 1/8 inch tempered hardboard, a band (or scroll) saw — or a coping saw if you prefer to work by hand — a drill, a ruler, carpenter's glue, some paints, and a small brush.
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Diagram for the children's toy farm craft project.
Diagram for the children's toy farm craft project.
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Jack Vaughan's cartoon figures you can use to create your own homestead family and farm animals. 
Jack Vaughan's cartoon figures you can use to create your own homestead family and farm animals. 

Making small of big dreams, MOTHER’s toy farm craft project.

Children’s Miniature Toy Farm Craft 

Though it was published more than a decade and a half ago, the March 1970 issue of this magazine — MOTHER EARTH NEWS N0. 2 — is far from dated . . . because that particular edition provided a blueprint for those making a transition from an urban to a rural existence. Furthermore, that still-timely issue was essentially a republication of Ed and Carolyn Robinson’s HAVE-MORE Plan . . . a detailed autobiographical account first printed in 1943!

Long-time readers probably remember the HAVE-MORE Plan, while those new to MOTHER’s pages might want to look into it. At any rate, the idea of owning a few acres in the country is one shared by many of us . . . and whether your rural home is a present reality or merely a pleasant dream, we figured that you (and your children) might have some fun with this toy farm craft project.

To make your miniature toy farm, you’ll need 12 square feet (not quite half a sheet) of 1/8 inch tempered hardboard, a band (or scroll) saw — or a coping saw if you prefer to work by hand — a drill, a ruler, carpenter’s glue, some paints, and a small brush. The building and fence components shown on these pages are undersized; merely redraw them, using the dimensions and the outlines provided. The figures are three layers thick, and are best cut when the layers are glued together as a rough block. Fences and other matching parts can be clamped and cut in pairs. The bases can be cut and shaped any way you please, and glued to anything that can’t stand on its own. Cartoonist Jack Vaughan has made a recognizable contribution to this project, so you can follow his lead when painting the finished pieces (see the image gallery for cartoon figures and diagram). Note, too, that the building joints are slotted so that they can be disassembled for storage. Enjoy!

  • Published on Sep 1, 1986
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