Find Sustainably Harvested Wood

Reader Contribution by Vicki Mattern
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Where do I locate sustainable wood for my home building projects?

Certified sustainably grown wood isn’t always easy to track down.

The certification label could reside on the product’s wrapping paper, shipping document, or an invoice that the distributor sees but that you may not have access to.

You can source sustainable wood with a little digging, however. Two major organizations certify sustainably produced wood: the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). SFI is a North American organization; FSC works globally. Each has a searchable online database that identifies lumber, engineered wood, decking, siding and other wood products that have met the organization’s standards for sustainability. You can check out the SFI database and the FSC database, and then locate dealers that carry the certified brands.

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