Build a Thermosiphon Solar-Heated Shower System

Reader Contribution by Kyle Chandler-Isacksen and Be The Change Project
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Solar panel and water tank.
Photos by Kyle Chandler-Isacksen and Be the Change Project

A few years back, a friend donated a Sunvelope solar hot water panel. We were just about to expand our greenhouse, so the timing was perfect to incorporate a solar shower.

The system is pretty basic, with a panel mounted south and tilted to catch more rays just outside of our greenhouse and an old water heater tank positioned higher than the panel. Ours is a thermosiphon: Water circulates simply because of temperature differences with no need for electricity. It is also not plumbed to our house water source but instead is an isolated system, which we have to fill after about seven showers (more on that below).

How to Build a DIY Solar Hot Water Heater

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