How to Make Perfume With Essential Oils

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Adobe Stock/chamillew

You don’t have to pay large sums of money for fine fragrances. Learn how to make perfume with essential oils to create a signature scent perfume just for you.

The scent of freshly mowed grass wafts through the window, and suddenly, vividly, you’re transported to a summer afternoon in childhood. The aroma of a familiar dish reaches your nostrils, and once again, you’re home for the holidays. A stray whiff of cologne from a passing stranger brings to mind the joy and pain of an old love affair.

Who hasn’t had experiences like these? Our sense of smell, though little understood, often overwhelms us with such potent evocations. Since fragrances are so emotionally stirring, aroma therapists believe you can put their subconscious messages to work for you, expressing your moods and influencing those around you. In other words, the cologne you wear can actively affect your life.

Anyone who buys commercially prepared perfumes will testify that the cost of even small amounts can be astronomical. You don’t have to pay out large sums of money for fine fragrances, however: You can learn how to make perfume with essential oils at home!

Create Your Signature Scent Perfume

  • Updated on Jun 29, 2022
  • Originally Published on Jan 1, 1985
Tagged with: Aromatherapy Recipes, carrier oils, essential oil blends, essential oils, Natural Fragrances, perfume
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