Better Options for Leftover Building Materials

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Use precise measurements to learn how much material you'll need, and then reuse or recycle any leftover material.

So you’ve just finished fixing up the old deck, redoing a room for a new baby, or remodeling a bathroom. Now what do you do with all of the old materials? Most of them can be recycled or reused; your leftovers can become another’s treasure. Many options are available, so don’t just throw the items on the curb.


The first step in most projects is deciding exactly what you’re going to need. You can decrease the amount of leftover materials you’ll have by correctly calculating in the beginning how much you will need. Measure the area to learn how much drywall or lumber you’ll need, and do not buy much extra. You can always go back and get another piece. A paint specialist can help you decide exactly how much paint to buy.


If you end up with extra materials even after careful calculation, consider saving them for your next project. You can also create smaller projects such as birdhouses or window boxes from leftover wood.  If you only have an inch or two of paint left in the bottom of the can, store it properly and use it for later touch-ups. A lot of extra paint usually calls for storage, using it on another project or using it as an undercoat or base coat in another room.

  • Published on May 13, 2008
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