Retired and Beekeeping: One Couple Explains How To Sell Honey Using the Honor System

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Hank and Lisa are proof that there is honor among bees. They are retired and beekeepers, selling honey along the Missouri State Highway 53.
Hank and Lisa are proof that there is honor among bees. They are retired and beekeepers, selling honey along the Missouri State Highway 53.
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People will pay a sweet price for pure, natural honey. If you are keeping bees, try using the honor system to sell your honey to local friends and neighbors.
People will pay a sweet price for pure, natural honey. If you are keeping bees, try using the honor system to sell your honey to local friends and neighbors.

Pure, Natural Honey For Sale!

Travelers who take State Highway 53 through the southeast corner of Missouri slow down and usually stop when they see our sign: “FOR SALE: Pure, Natural Honey, Homegrown. Serve Yourself … Make Your Own Change.”

And, despite the crime reports that flood the media, our customers constantly prove that people are basically honest, that our world isn’t “goin’ to the dogs” and that the “honor system” is a great way to sell a product.

As you’ve probably guessed by now, my husband (Hank) and I are beekeepers … but this isn’t a how-to article on apiculture (there are plenty of books that do that job better than we could). We just want to share some of the joys of our particular lifestyle, so that other folks can benefit from what we’ve learned.

Why We Reitred and Became Beekeepers

  • Published on Jan 1, 1979
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